Neither LeapProvider nor ToVector3() have been removed. We did change the namespace for the Unity-specific classes to Leap.Unity, so that is probably what is tripping you up.
There was also a change to LeapProvider -- it is now an abstract class and its concrete implementation is now LeapServiceProvider. If you get the frames from the LeapServiceProvider, the coordinates are already transformed. You only need to transform them if you get data directly with Controller.Frame().
Finally, the you can get the Leap-style transform matrix from any Unity transform with:
Matrix leapMat = UnityMatrixExtension.GetLeapMatrix(gameObject.transform);
(FYI, GetLeapMatrix() will change again since it is supposed to be an extension method.)
Again, you would only want to use GetLeapMatrix() if you are getting data directly with Controller.Frame() and want a different transform then that used by the LeapServiceProvider object -- which uses the transform of the LeapHandController game object.