I would need to get leap calibration data from Stereo IR170. With LMC there was possibility to use leapuvc.retrieveLeapCalibration, however this procedure does not work with Stereo IR170. Is there please any way how to get this data?
With LMC via leapuvc we had access to:
# Convert the Raw Bytes into Raw Values
# Sig, Sig, Ver, Score, Timestamp, Baseline, Q2Init
# Left: FocalLength, Offset^2, Tangential^2, Radial^6
# Left: FocalLength, x0, y0, CayleyRotation^3
# Right: FocalLength, Offset^2, Tangential^2, Radial^6
# Right: FocalLength, x0, y0, CayleyRotation^3
# Checksum
# 'B B B B I ff fffffffffff ffffff fffffffffff ffffff I'