Well currently, I've tried emailing, With no response.
I have deleted and reinstalled to the Orion update provided on the main pages. 4.1.0. Since you said It should have the fix.
I went back to trying Commands. When I paste "net start LeapService" in the prompt I get this:
The service name is invalid.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2185.
And when google up that it says some stuff I should Do Which I tried but doesnt work.
Hardware configuration for the server has to be reviewed, in most cases when you see the NET HELPMSG 2185, they’re not configured properly.
If you received the error during update, you need to troubleshoot for update problems.
Create password for the user, this is a simple fix that have solved the problem for some users. If you’re receiving the Net helpmsg 2185 and you haven’t created a password for the user, you should set one and then login to run the instance, you might get lucky.
I tried what I could, the only thing I dont know what its talking about and it doesnt tell me how to do this is "Hardware configuration for the server has to be reviewed, in most cases when you see the NET HELPMSG 2185, they’re not configured properly."
Went through all that, fixed the Directory of the services Path because that was wrong, and Now im getting The NET HELPMSG2186 error. X_X
I'm unlucky. Everyone else gets an easy fix and Here I am Struggling for 12 hours already. everyone says you just run this command or try a different USB port and Im like none of this works. I just got this a week or 2 ago. why does this happen to me....