Can we use a graphical tennis racket instead of leap hands in unity ? Kindly help me out with this as i need to control the racket movement in tennis game with the help of leap motion.
You can use the data from the hand tracking itself rather than rigged hand models to do this. The big question is what aspect of the hand you want to use to define the position and orientation of the racket.
Well in the game i want my right hand to be the Tennis Racket. As my hand moves, the racket also need to move. I'm working in Unity 2017.3.1f1.
Right, but imagine your hand as a bunch of data points. Palm position and orientation, finger bones, etc. Is the user grabbing the racket, or do they keep their fingers out flat?
No the user is not grabbing the racket. I need to show the racket on unity instead of the default right hand.