Hi guys,
I was just wondering if anyone could clarify how to correctly draw my own gizmos on an object with an InteractionBehaviour when a hand gets within the activation radius and when the grasp itself is initiated. The RuntimeGizmoManager essentially does exactly what I want, I just want to change the look of the gizmos by modifying the RuntimeGizmoDrawer, but I couldn't figure out what actually calls the functions on proximity and on grasp. Do I need to attach a proximity detector and a grasp detector to the object in question and then handle the drawing of the gizmos through OnDrawRuntimeGizmos based on the information from these detectors, or should this be done differently? I'm asking since I couldn't figure out how the RuntimeGizmoManager handles this by default when no custom implementation of IRuntimeGizmoComponent is attached...
Thanks a lot for your time, I hope I explained it somewhat clearly