I was playing with the example scenes provided by the Core Assets pack. Everything was working perfectly in Unity 5.3.2f1 until I opened the PinchingSandbox scene and added two script components to the HandControllerSandbox. I added two script to my HandController (Hand Cycler and Recording Controls). These scripts were available from the add component drop-down list. Naturally I planned to add my own code, but I first wanted to see if the scene would still run. I suddenly get hundreds of AABB aabb errors which by the look of things is still an unresolved Unity issue. So, I remove the two script components but this doesn't resolve the issue! Perplexed, given that the PinchingSandbox scene worked fine just before I added those two scripts, I waste no time deleting the project and starting afresh.
I imported the unity core assets from the unity asset store like before and now I am very perplexed that I get the following error messages (I have tried reimporting the assets):
I am using Orion, and am not using VR just yet
Related (here for reference)
https://community.leapmotion.com/t/asset-cant-work-correctly-in-unity/1716 - except the assets worked before, so I shouldn't need Unity Pro
https://community.leapmotion.com/t/error-from-new-leap-motion-core-assets-2-2-4/2759 - not exactly the error messages I get, but I have already tried reimporting so remain stumped