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Jul 2016

New PC - Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.

I can't run any apps! I get the error message "To run this app for the first time, you must be connected to the Internet..." but I am!! See screenshot. I was able to download and install them just fine. But nothing works - GECO, AeroMIDI,

Sorry to hear that you're running into this issue. It sounds like something may be blocking communication with our authentication servers. Are you running the app on a work computer or a home computer? It's possible that some firewall or antivirus settings are preventing the authentication from happening.

Please try disabling any firewalls or antivirus software installed on your computer to see if that fixes the problem. If not, would it be possible to connect your computer to another internet connection?

This is a home computer, no proxies or firewalls in the way, just my regular home router which should be unfettered Internet access. No antivirus or firewalls on the PC itself, it's a fresh install. I even turned off Windows Firewall temporarily.

I'm not sure how to try another Internet connection, are you suggesting I haul my desktop to Starbucks??

Any traceroute/pings/etc I can do to verify connection?

Does your computer have a wireless card? If so, are you able to try connecting to your cell phone's hotspot to see if you're able authenticate your apps?

If you have another computer, I'd also recommend giving that a try to see if it may be an issue specific to your computer. Unfortunately, I do not believe there's a manual way of verifying the connection aside from attempting to launch an application.

Nope, it's a desktop machine, so no wireless card. Though I suppose I could get one of those USB wireless dongles, at extra $$$. frowning

Same issue on a second PC.

Come on guys, this is completely unacceptable.

Re. connection, would a Wireshark trace help? (Heaven help a non-technical user trying to debug this!!!)

I've contacted our DRM partner to see if there are any issues on their end. I'll let you know as soon as I hear back from them

I've just heard back from our partner and they notified me that they were updating a certificate on their end that may have been causing the issue. Could you try relaunching the application to see if you're able to authenticate?

2 months later

Same Story here. No previous issues. It's been a while since I played and most things are asking to be updated. They wait and wait without being updated. Verticus asks for an internet connection and other games. This is not cool.

Are you accessing the app store through an office or school network by any chance?

3 months later

I had a different name for my home folder than my username of my computer on OSX.
I matched names and apps now launch.

1 month later

That does not fix the problem,,, the problem is your software for paid apps,,,, I've done everything nothing launches in max OS X sierra,,,,,, I have heard all h
These suggestions before... even tried a second leap motion device,, still not losding all my user folders are exactly the same names , no spaces as their home folders

If your home folder and user account names match up and you are still running into authentication issues, something on your computer or network is blocking communication with the authentication servers.

Try using a different internet connection and/or computer to see if you are able to authenticate. If you're connecting to the internet via a proxy, try disabling it. Many school/work connections have security that blocks communication. If you have access to a hotspot through your phone or a dedicated device, you can try authenticating through that.

Make sure your user account and home folder names do not have any special characters or spaces in them as well as that can cause issues.

i have tried everything you mentioned, my internet is fine, I downloaded everthing via this connection, the free apps work great the hardware checks out, the paid apps will not open, thet are looking for a wfi connection,,, is in your coding,,,,

Just to confirm, have you tested app download on a separate machine to see if you run into the same issue?

I've contacted our DRM partner to check if they're seeing any authorization attempts on their end. I'll follow up with you as soon as I hear back from them.

1 year later

I am on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G65), on my home mac,

i am experiencing the same problem with any app i download,
the apps that exists on the "Leap Motion App Home" works just fine (beside the "Forms & Functions 3D"),

i checked with 3 wifi and ethernet and hotspot from my cell,
the firewall is disabled and there is nothing i can see i am doing wrong,

it simply doesn't work out of the box!

is there an IP address with port that we can test to see if we reach the authentication server?

is there anything else we should do beside login to the account on leap motion site on our default browser (chrome in my case), and yes i can see my account is logged in on the App Home

apps i download do not show as a new icon on the App Home, and i did move them to the "set install directory" location,
i try launching them manually by double clicking them and then i get this error

any help would be appriciated

Our app store was retired in June of last year. Apps are now downloaded from our gallery at

Apps from the Gallery will not display in App Home as the application is depreciated and no longer used.

and what about the major bug we all experience?
i asked if there is any way to test blocked network (IP / Port)

As @jhung noted, the authentication server is no longer running. Account logins still probably work because we still have an accounts system, but downloading apps to App Home no longer works.

1 year later

I'm closing this thread, as the App Store has been retired for over two years and is no longer supported.