I have been trying for many days how to get the world position of , for example, a finger. To make things clear, i know how to get the position of a finger, palm, etc. but it is RELATIVE to the Transform of LeapHandController.
This is also stated clearly in the following link of your documentation: https://developer.leapmotion.com/documentation/orion/unity/api/Leap_Classes.html
("....The LeapProvider converts the coordinates from Leap Motion space to Unity space and transforms them so that the hands appear in Unity relative to the GameObject to which the LeapProvider is attached (typically the LeapHandController)....")
The problem is, my LeapHandController is attached to an Oculus Rift, thus its transform changes, and as a result the position of fingers returned from LeapServiceProvider , depends on where the Oculus is and points to.
I searched many times and i cant quite find what i am looking for... I tried many methods, such as using TransformPoint, but didnt work...
Thank you...
Just in case, i get the pos of a finger using LeapServiceProvider and this line of code among others:
unityFingerPosition = hand.Fingers[1].TipPosition.ToVector3();