Brand new Leap Motion user today. It's really awesome. However the Leap is causing real bad judder on the DK2 in some demos/apps. I have been using my DK2 for quite a while now without judder issues before I bought the Leap.
If I put my hands down and out of view then the judder goes away. I put them back up and the judder returns. This judder is present on the hands and on the images on screen.
Using the visualizer and pressing H and L shows readings of FPS 107/108 and 2.7 msec.
Recalibrating I am able to get a score of 81. Haven't been able to get higher though.
I have V-sync disabled by default in my Nvidia Setting. I'm running twin GTX980's in SLI and a 4K monitor.
My favorite app Geometric is probably the worst. Changing the resolution and changing the quality of image makes no difference. For example 1920x1080 or 3840x2160, Fantastic or Fastest....absolutely no difference in judder.
I'm not sure what to try. I've gone through these forums and the oculus forums and can't find an answer.
Please help