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May 2016

I am constantly getting Activation Failed message when trying to start the Geco MIDI App for it's first run. I've followed all the steps listed on similar topics around the forum but still receive the message. The steps I have tried are as follows:

  1. Used three different internet connections including a wireless hotspot on my phone
  2. Uninstalled and reinstalled Geco several times
  3. Restarted the router and updated it's firmware.
  4. Restarting my Mac

What shall I do?

Thank you

It sounds like there may be some software on your computer that could be blocking communication with our authentication servers. Do you have any AV software installed? If so, try temporarily disabling it or removing it to see if that helps.

Do you have another computer you can try running Geco on to see if you run into the same issue?

The computer in question is specifically set up for audio and video editing. If you can pinpoint particular apps that cause these problems then I might be able to take care of it that way. To remove them all is unfortunately out of the question.

It works on the laptop. I've tried quitting all the AV app processes in Activity Monitor. Still nothing on the desktop machine.

Still nothing on the desktop machine even after having gone into the OS X equivalent of safe mode. Any suggestions?

Is the laptop that it works with a Mac as well? We've had some other users that have reported similar issues where they were able to get apps activated on one machine but not another. I do not believe that we were able to track down the exact cause for this unfortunately.

They are both Macs running the same version of OS X. The Leap Motion App itself is able to connect for authentication, just not the GECO app.

The app was only intended for use on the desktop. I have no use for Leap Motion or it's apps on the laptop. If there's no resolution I'll go ahead and return the unit to Amazon. Will I be refunded for the cost of the App?

I can definitely refund your app purchase if we're unable to resolve the issue. Would it be possible to try bridging the internet connection to your desktop through your laptop to see if you're able to authenticate that way?

I'm trying that now, but I can't seem to get the bridge established. They're connected via Ethernet to one another, but this is in a location where I do not have hard wired access to a router or modem. Suggestions?

It just won't establish the connection between the two if I use either my phone was a hotspot, or if I use the wi-fi connection from the router. Still nothing. I'd like to get it resolved because the Leap Motion would be useful, but I don't know if it's useful enough to burn a day trying to set it up.

Any other thoughts?

Unfortunately, I'm all out of ideas at this point frowning

Please let me know if you'd like me to go ahead with the refund for Geco

I tried a couple of other little ideas I had, but still nothing. I guess let's go ahead and cut the losses here. Please do process the refund. I'm wrapping the unit up to send back tomorrow.

Thanks for trying though.

I've gone ahead and processed a refund for Geco for you. You should see the refund on your account in the next 3-5 business days. Sorry that we weren't able to get it working for you

That's okay, J. I appreciate your being so quick to lend a hand. Over the years I've learned to accept that computers are finicky and not everything will work smoothly (that's how I've managed to stay somewhat sane wink )

Maybe the jump to OS X El Cap will make the difference. It's likely that I'll try Leap again in the future.

Have a great day!