I have a Camera which is attached to a vehicle where there is an offset for the head position using Steam_VR camera rig built for the Vive. I managed to get the hand models attached to a CameraRig when the CameraRig is in global space but when I attach the same CameraRig to the vehicle the hand models do not update correctly as local attachments to the camera which is attached to the vehicle model. The default XR Camera Rig does not seem to support local space transform which is normal in Unity. Camera's will be attached to players (my player is a car instead). Has no one had this problem? I have tried doing an update to change the cameraRig position globally but the transforms are wrong when turning as we are not centered to the car location. In fact Vive version of a cameraRig has to be able to have local space movement as you are able to move around in space with the Vive by 10 meters.
We support moving camera rigs. Something's gotta be funky.
Can you send a screenshot of your hierarchy set-up?
you have to attach the LM hands to the camera rig so they go where your hand goes.