I had the weird idea of "I Spy meets Minority Report", does anyone remember those old object-finding books? Well I wanted to see if we could pull this into the 21st century. So I knocked up this little proof-of-concept in Unity, the necessary files (to my knowledge) are available on GitHub.
The aim is to find the lone sphere among the cubes and tap it (turning it red).
By translating one open hand above the Leap controller in x-axis/y-axis space you can rotate left/right and up/down and by rotating one open hand about the z-axis your view will rotate around the z-axis too.
By holding two open hands above the Leap controller (spread a little far apart), the camera will fly forward. You can see a video of it in action.
It's nothing special, just my first "completed" project. I wanted to make the necessary files available for anyone in case other people want to take the concept further (which I may/may not do if the interest holds up).