I was able to successfully build the forked engine and launch the editor from Visual Studio. However, if I create a new C++ project, it opens yet another VS instance and everything slows to a crawl. At that point, however, I'm not sure if I should create a new blueprint based off a C++ class or if I need to recreate the BPs shown in this thread?
Also, I tried just copying the 3rd party leap motion lib folder, the plugin folder, and the .dlls, from the forked engine folder to the installed engine folder. Now I can't create any C++ projects... I get an error stating it couldn't create the project file. It does let me create a blueprint project, however. Unfortunately I need a C++ project.
So after launching the rebuilt engine from VS and adding the plugin, I am able to add the controller to a character blueprint. Would any of you be able to share the blueprints / animation blueprints you've created to get the hand working? Or another thing that would be really cool, is a LeapMotion template! So you just fire it up, hit play, and start waving your hands around