Dear Joe, first of all thanks for getting in touch.
About your first point, your company directors should know that linux is the platform of choice for many fields where performance and controlled latency it's a must (music, science experiments etc) and DIY / makers community that can be of a great help to make the general public see how LM can be used in practical projects of physical interaction and hence boost the sales.
If you want to sell units, you need people to see value in the unit they buy and this, from a user perspective, means software they can use the unit for. So first you need to attract dev and make dev happy becomes imperative (see google) and user comes as consequence.
How do you expect to attract developers if you ditch the most favorite platform by the community? If the official SDK doesn't work and not even the most recent test build have the example working and it's more then an year old?
If there is not even the app store for linux it's like neglecting even the possibility of earning any money from this user base!!!
To the technical side, yes I was able to make it work even inside blender for the limited set of functionality that has been developed in the addon (only whole hand tracking for now) and I actually love it and looking forward to see if I can manage to get also the finger rig to respond to the tracking data.
About the I don't know why it segfaults. You should tell me if the binary provided are for 32bit. I'm on 64-bit (it should be the default nowadays) running 4.4.0-51-generic kernel on ubuntu 16.04 and I run it with a standard Python 2.7 knowing the issue that it needs to be recompiled for Python 3 but again the link for the instructions for swig to do it in linux are missing because it points to an external site that is down!
How come you don't add those instructions in the dev guide? Why don't you distribute a python 3 version directly in the sdk? It should be the default nowadays and offer the old version just for backward compatibility. Can you add these instructions in the knowledge base?
I hope you understand that my criticism are constructive and knowing that the hardware has great potential to unleash if you care just a little more on the few dev brave enough to buy it. Let's face it, LM it's around since many years and still there are absolute 0 applications ready to use in linux and it's not integrated in the desktop environment for every day use or for specific applications. Also for the other platforms there are just few nice apps
If were to ask me I see LM much better suited for specific applications (like blender) and if you have limited resources I would first make sure LM works on ALL the platforms for specific pipeline and industry and you'll have a sure path for success if you engage with the community. VR it's missing interaction, VR it's made in 3D, a huge number of people use blender, and linux, like it or not, it's the favorite platform for many developers and makers like me