Hello, i am back on the "I want to build this" path, after reviewing this thread again I can see it has evolved alot since the last time i tested, So i have a few questions:
when i looked this place the 1st time, there was no place to get the electronics that were advertice by Leapmotion. so i wanted the RaspberryPI screen solution. Now that i see that they are available on the site that you place on this thread https://www.smart-prototyping.com the driver seems Out of stock. no time frame. (do you know how long usually takes?)
My question is how much effer extra is required if i decided to use the stuff from https://www.smart-prototyping.com instead of the raspberry pi screens?
I notice some videos from the community where their virtual hand lags from the real hand. so i wonder if this is because they are using the Raspberrypi screens which have lower Refresh rate and resolution?
Are the https://www.smart-prototyping.com screens and driver a plug and play to HDMI as the raspberry pi? do i need any soldering or chip programing? i know a bit or arduino and those micro controllers but i am quite new on that area, i just want the device to program expiriences.
COuld you please explain why some DIY proyects look like they arent good enough, if you look the leap motion videos they work perfectly.
Please let me know so i can start purchansing the electronics, i dont want any lag and i want a theather headset to use the power of my PC .
Update: I guess this thread is dead, ill try to find the info somewhere