Here we are.
...and a screenshot on Win7.
In the source code, I just ask you to manage to not include these two lines of code for Win/MSVC (or only include them for OSX or such):
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
NSView *cinderView;
As a note, since not all the pre-compiled libraries downloaded in the cinder distribution were compiled with the same code generation model (someone static, someone else using the VC runtime DLL), or not for Debug, I managed to get the app linked by excluding the libcrt.lib in Debug.
In GitHub you could place my vs2012 directory aside the xcode one.
When compiling on Windows with VS2012 setting I did is for the following structure of other libs' directories:
+ LeapSDK/
+ include/
+ lib/
+ vs2012/
+ src/
After the compilation, Windows users have to copy the Leap.dll in the Release directory and/or the Leapd.dll in the Debug one in order to make the app exe to find them at runtime (or just point to them with the exe path).
PS: the hand positions in the screenshot is bad since is not easy to place hands visible to the LM and pressing Alt+Print keys on the keyboard at the same time, believe me.