Installed to get the Leap setup.
Then created a new Unity project 5.6.1f1
Setting the Timestep to 0.011111
Trying to run a demo scene now gets me
"INPUT AXIS NOT SET UP. Go to your Input Manager and add a definition for RightVRTriggerAxis on the 10th Joystick Axis.
Is there a ready to go "InputManager.asset" file? I don't want to import the Oculus package, all I want to use is the Vive and Vive controllers. And for experiments the Leap in a desk setting.
Some general things I would love to see ...
A VR demo scene that assumes a desk Leap. It might be counter intuitive to have this - but the reality is that not that many VR devs with a Leap have the VR mount ready to go.
A demo scene of the interaction Engine that really targets the Vive controller users so we get to check out what we can do without having to dive into the documentation first. First let us see the awesome so we know what we get if we do the work.