ok this is what I did...
leapmotion device fix
installed leapmotion 1.1.3
firmware update didn't do shit so I...
installed klite codec pack 11.90 + the update aswell
just let the klite codec pack uninstall bad filters
klite codec pack uninstalled bad LAV filter
disabled samsung funbox avi filter and codec filter known bad filter
normal installation mode for klite codec pack
must have leapsvc --run cmd commandline window running all the time or leapmotion device will not work
once I closed the leapsvc --run cmd commandline window the device stopped working.
also klite codec pack was the normal install
also installed latest vcredist_x64.exe
it must have been either bad directshow drivers or something else
but the leapsvc --run cmd commandline window MUST BE running all the time in the background or leapmotion device will not work.
note to dev team: >>>>you need to recompile the leapmotion installation to include the updated drivers from klite codec pack
plus the installation must include the latest vcredist_x64.exe
//created .bat file to run
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Leap Motion\Core Services
LeapSvc.exe --run
other than that all is working and up and running.
I should be getting paid to fix yer shit.
Maybe if you compiled your software correctly with the right drivers we wouldn't have these problems
also try this fix with the new 1.2 ver cuz ya never know
this took me 10 minutes
and restarted teh pooter
srry about the language but I hate stuff that doesn't work when you pay money for something then I have to take time to hack it when It should just work out of the box.
when I should be sleeping.
-Skoti Brendel
Father of the 3D Interface