Hi, I'm just askign myself if there is some users living in france to create a local group of users?
Hopping to see you,
You can try to contact the owner of http://monleap.fr/ - maybe you can find french users this way.
Oui, il y en a et j'en suis un
Please use english here in the forum.
I'm here too. My brother in law also get one on january.
What would you think about making a meetup about it?
There are french. And certainly a lot
Where are you ?
french version:
Oui il y a des français. Et on doit être nombreux .Tu est sur quelle ville ?
Paris.And You?Et vous?
Oh Paris....I'm at the other end of France ^^.
A l'autre bout de la France^^. Dans le sud-ouest.
Ha au plaisir si vous montez sur paris.