So, for my final year of my degree I decided I would like to code an interactive data visualization using the Leap Motion for interactivity.
The data itself is related to suicide in Ireland and is mainly sourced from the CSO.
It was all coded in Processing and I used the onformative leap motion Library.
I will put the source code up GitHub on in the next few days.
For now- heres a video of me using it! The project itself was shown as part of an installation within the University of Limerick. The visualization itself was displayed on a 40" screen while on a table in front of the screen sat the Leap. It was a walk up and use scenario.
Undergraduate Project: Interactive Data Visualization Using Leap Motion
It was the first project I coded using the Leap and also my first data visualization. The learning curve was steep but I had fun!
I am really excited about coding with the leap again.
Any constructive criticism or feedback is more than welcome!