Hi, I am thinking of buying your product but i have a few questions before buying Does it support bluetooth?How long is its cable? (so i know if i need to buy a longer cable)Can i use it with a Google cardboard? (so i can play steam vr games)
The controller does not support Bluetooth and must be hard wired via USB. The cables that come with the controller are roughly 3' and 5' long. The Universal VR Mount includes a 10' USB extension cable..
The Leap Motion hardware does not officially support the Google Cardboard but can be "hacked" to work using third party software. You will require a VR capable desktop computer. You can find more information here: https://support.riftcat.com/hc/en-us/articles/211680065-LeapMotion-Tutorial-Tracking-your-hands-with-VRidge
This solution does not support head tracking so you will be missing out on some functionality.
OK Thanks for the information and I will be prepared for the product then i'll order itThanks again for the the help